Nouns ( Kata Benda )
Names persons, places, things, ideas, or qualities.
Example : teacher, Indonesia, basketball, proposal, pride, love, freedom, book, bag, school, Budi etc

Pronouns ( Kata Ganti )
Words that replace a noun that has already been mentioned.
Example : I, me, you, him, her, this, that, they, she, he, anyone etc

Adjectives ( Kata Sifat )
Words that describe nouns and pronouns.
Example : beautiful, green, angry, necessary

Verbs ( Kata Kerja )
Words that convey action, a state of being, or existence.
Example : walk, go, sing, are, seem, sleep

Adverbs ( Kata Keterangan )
Words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
They answer the questions:
“When?”, “Where?”, “Why?”, “How?”, “How much?”, and “In what way?”
Example : gracefully, very, too, loudly, finally

Prepositions ( Preposisi /  Kata Depan )
Words that link nouns or pronouns to other words within a sentence
Example : on, in, over, under, within

Conjunctions ( Kata Sambung )
Words that link other words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence
Example : for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
although, because, whether, while

Interjections ( Kata Seru )
Words that are used as exclamations or to express feeling.
Example : Hey! Oh! Darn! Wow! Damn !
