1. Where is your home?
  2. Do you live in a house or a flat?
  3. Who do you live with?
  4. Are there many rooms in your home?
  5. What is your favourite room?
  6. How are the walls decorated?
  7. What would you change about your home?
  8. Do you plan to live there in the future?
  9. What facilities are there near your home?
  10. What is your neighborhood like?
  11. Do most people live in houses in your country? 

Home : Rumah
Flat / Apartment : Apartemen
Room : Ruang / Kamar
Wall : Dinding
Live : Tinggal
Stay : Tinggal untuk sementara
Near : Dekat
Neighbor : Tetangga
Facilities : Fasilitas
Country : Negara
Like : Suka
Village : Desa
City : Kota Besar
Town : Kota ( Lebih kecil dari City )
Suburb : Pinggiran Kota
Comfortable : Nyaman
Convenient : Mudah ( convenient for my office, convenient for hospital )
Noisy : Berisik
